Innovation for the Purpose of Human Flourishing

Kevin R Benedict
2 min readFeb 2, 2022


We are drawn to profits like a moth to a flame. Even though the window of opportunity for humans to flourish may be open, we turn away away away to chase the dollar.

We have lived through the invention, innovation and evolution of social media which could have united us in friendship, kindness, love, and compassion, but instead it has been misused to create social conflict, agitation, divisiveness, disinformation, mistrust, depression in our kids, and to weaken our democracy and diminish our ability to respond to a global pandemic with a unified front. All for the purpose of generating increasing profits as a result of user agitation.

We are now witnessing the deployment of low-cost lethal drones that can swarm, follow, and attack a person silently from the air using artificial intelligence, facial recognition, and lethal weapons. These are being developed and sold in the pursuit of profits. Profits don’t respect borders, and these technologies will soon be available to be purchased by all — a fearful thought.

Large enterprises are automating business processes with robotic process automation (RPA), artificial intelligence, and mechanical robots as fast as they can to eliminate jobs, and to increase quality, efficiencies and profits. Our challenge as humans will be to make available enough new kinds of rewarding jobs for the technology-displaced unemployed. Without jobs and purpose, these unemployed will grab pitchforks and torches and march to the town square.

We are racing into the future like a truck without brakes. To flourish as humans, we need a plan, a strategy, a purpose.

Artificial intelligence can be one of the most incredible technologies humans have ever invented as it can help cure diseases, help us achieve sustainability, reach global food and water abundance, provide personalized education around the world and many more benefits, but only if we collaborate within an ecosystem of people and organizations with a shared purpose and goal to enable and expand human flourishing.

Purpose is not just a marketing buzzword. It is required for humans to flourish. We need a definition of flourishing, and a goal to achieve it that is future focused. Seeking a time in history where we imagine humans flourished is not going to help us today as we cannot relive history. The future is both the time and place available to us now. How can we get from today to a flourishing tomorrow?



Kevin R Benedict

Kevin Benedict is a thinker, futurist and writer. He serves on the Future of Business team at TCS, and meets with executive teams globally.